Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first 10 are the Hardest!

Well my title is the truth. I have finally lost my first 10 pounds. The sad but good part is it only took me a week. Thanks to some very motivating people I have finally taken it upon myself to smack myself upside the head and get started. So for the last week I have pushed myself, with the wonderful help from my husband to really get started with losing weight. It was kind of hard to just fully dedicate myself to stop doing some habits and start better habits. But I learned from a really good talk I heard recently that it takes a couple weeks to really develope something into a habit. So hopefully now I will have more active updates about losing weight. I am really motivated and excited to get where I want to be!!! Thanks to all of you wonderful people in my life who have helped to motivate me!!!
Yay for my first 10 pounds gone!!!!!


  1. That is AWESOME! You lost 10 lbs in a week?! That is amazing! Keep it up woman! The first week truly is the hardest! Soon you'll crave it! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Keep it up and if you mess up just start over! I am so happy for you! I bet you are feeling pretty good, too!
