Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well I am finally doing it. Thanks to a friend at work and many days of talking I have taken a serious interest in getting going on my food storage. I have worked on it kind of by going to case lot sales and such, but nothing too serious. And finally because of my awesome co-worker I have got the bug!!
I am starting little just here and there, but I am actually excited about it. I am going to try and go to the cannery all by myself next month. Seriously these are the things that freak me out are having to go to the cannery all by myself and learning something new (sad huh! Don't make fun of me!! LOL just kidin go for it). Anyway I am way excited to get started even more. It is really fun now that I have set up a fun specifically for food storage and fun to watch that fund move as I start to get things. I am determined that when the world crashes (Joke) I will be able to be one of the ones that can help others to not starve. Look at me doing my part. Serious I am loving it. I may not have too much room for it but oh well I will find it.
I have also finally caught the homemaker bug!! I am loving cooking and keeping my house in pretty good shape (I mean that as in I am trying to learn how to make it look good) I am probably driving my husband crazy with my decluttering frenzy, but clutter is seriously driving me nuts. I am learning to be creative in how I want to decorate my house. I wish I was like a bunch of women i know that have there houses all cute. But people like me we need tender patient care to come up with great ideas. I keep telling aaron that by the time I figure out how to decorate this house, we will be ready to move, and then this will start all over again.
I have to say thanks to Kristy for getting me all hyped up I love talking to her and learning so much from her. What would I do without you!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WelComE to VeGaS!!!

VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
I took this from the walkway over the street. Let me just say this picture does not do justice!!!
Where to start I don't even know.
We Stayed at the Luxor hotel. Which was a cool hotel, but not one of my favorites!! Which was okay because we really weren't there much. We saw so much stuff I can't even tell you it still makes my head spin. The first night we went to Excaliber for their dinner show. It was really good food and a really good show. We cheered for the villian, it was really fun. And yeah to boot we sat right by a wedding group. The couple had just gotten married, and by the end of the show we were listening to them yelling at each other. I guess you can't go to vegas without that experience. Or we couldn't!!!
The next day we went out and walked ALL DAY!!!!! No joke all day. I had a goal to hit all the hotels on the strip. Let me tell you I really couldn't do it there is just too much to see. We did go to a ton of them though. We went to the MGM and saw the lions there. If you have never been there you can walk in a tunnel area where the lions are all around you. One of the nice lions had a great time peeing right above our heads. But she did let me get a really good picture of her.We

ended in the MGM for a couple of hours without even realizing. WE got suckered into rating a tv show which we were hoping would be cool. Yeah not so much we got stuck watching the price is right. We also tried the CSI experience. Interesting is all we have to say!!!

We headed down the strip after that as we were making our way to The Venetian. We went to the M&M store, which is huge and has so much stuff. WoW!!! As we were walking we went to this little area that was a hawaiian market. It was really fun because two twin brothers were singing for everyone and an older lady was just up dancing. Very entertaining and the lady had a great attitude!! this is in one of the pictures above.
We continued to make our way down the strip looking at different stores and hotels. We went to the Flamingo and we stopped at the Pearl Shop. It was really cool because Aaron got the choose and oyster for me that was guarenteed to have a pearl. She he chose we we did the ceremony that they do to say hi and goodbye to the oyster. They opened it up and it ended up being a blue silver pearl with a pink hue. A blue silver pearl is only found in 7/100 oysters. So it was a more rare pearl that he ended up choosing. She had us hold holds with the pearl so that our oils were the first on the pearl. It was really and I am excited to possibly make it into a ring. It was really sweet that Aaron wanted to do that!!
One of my favorite hotels was the paris. I loved feeling like you were walking in the streets of paris. So amazing.... We had crepes while we were there and they were huge, and really really good!!
WE finally made it to the Venetian later that night. Yes it took all day to get to the venetian and our feet hurt so bad but it was well worth it!!
I love the venetian. I think it was by far my favorite hotel. I loved the area where you walked through and it was made to look like the sky above you. They had gondala rides which we wanted to do but just didn't have time for. While we were there we saw Phantom of the Opera which was really really really good!!! I loved the special effects and it was a really good performance.

The next day we headed out again. However, we learned out lesson and took the monorail as much as we could. We saw the mirage with the tigers and albino lions and the dolphins. We also saw mandalay bay where we saw the aquarium and ate at The House of Blues. Really good.
We really saw a lot more of New York New York. Which is also really cool inside!! That night we saw our final show at Treasure Island. But before hand we at dinner at the Big Kahuna. It was amazing food. And the presentation was just as good as the taste!!

After a great dinner we went as saw Mystere cirque de solei. That was my favorite show that we saw. And it was amazing and the side show was really funny. I really want to go back and see this show again. Aaron and I both really loved and enjoyed this show.
On our way out of the show Treasure Island was just getting there outside show started that is called the Sirens.
It was a memorable experience that was amazing. I had a great time having a whole week of my husband to myself!!! I can't wait to go on other trips like this one. Amazing.
Oh and on our way out of town we also stop and of course shopped at the outlet malls. It was a must!!!!

What a summer!!!

We had an amazing summer this year. I felt like we were doing things all the time and I loved it!!! Be prepared because this is going to be a long post!! Enjoy
We started the summer by celebrating Zaden's preschool Graduation. Which was so much fun. It was amazing to see him change throughout the year as he went to school. He went from a shy little boy to a talkative butterfly really. He learned so much everyday at school ans it just amazed me how he would come home and start to write letters and then eventually start to learn how to write his name. His Growth was amazing and he and I cannot wait for him to start again in 2 weeks. Let me tell you he is really counting down the days till he gets to go back for a second and last year of preschool....

On May 22nd Braddock turned two and we got to celebrate his birthday. We let him choose his dinner and he chose MCDONALDS. Afterwards, he opened presents and we had cake and ice cream.

This picture didn't work out so well you can kind of see. Braddock got a new trycicle and he got to get a big boy bed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse beddding.

After this we kind of had camera issues so some of the other activities we did I don't have pictures for.
We took the boys to the Living planet aquarium in Salt lake. The really loved it. The love Fish and so they were just amazed at all the different kinds of fish that were there. I touched a sting ray and about just out of my skin when it moved.
We also went camping this summer. Which for us is a must do. We had a great time, we are still tent campers unfotunatly but maybe someday soon we will get to see about a trailor. I can only hope!!!
We finally invested in a camp chef for our dutch ovens. And I fell in love with my new camping toy. We only dutch oven cook when we camp, it has kind of become a tradition for us. Which for us I don't think there is anything we can't cook in a dutch oven!! um yummy it is making me hungry just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!
One of the biggest things we did this year was go to VEGAS!!! I have always wanted to go just because I have never been there. So we decided that for our 5 year anniversary we would go. My mom decided to do her famous Nana Week and took the boys for a week while we went. We had an amazing time. But Vegas just really needs its own post!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

News, News, News.....

Well as you can see it has been a while since I last updated. Crazy crazy. I got and started a new job this past month. I got hired at Mountain America Credit Union and I love it!!! I have a blast working there and I love being part time I feel like I am really getting a good mix of everything in life. And if I thought I was busy before I didn't know what I was talking about because when I say our craziness i mean our craziness. But seriously I love being so busy. And I have even lost 12 pounds because of being busy and running around.
Zaden graduated his first year of preschool. That was the cutest thing, I might be a sappy mom but I live for things like this I love to be there to support my kids when they do anything and it makes it even better that daddy gets to come to most everything. I do have pictures I have just not gotten a chance to develop them yet.
Braddock had his second birthday and moved into a toddler bed, which apparently wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was going to be, he did amazing and there were no problems. He actually stays in bed better now than he did with a crib. Also he is pretty much potty training himself, i am just waiting for him to just put on underwear and be done he loves it so much.
Aaron and I are still going to school which some days feels like a life long task. However it really is worth it.
I am really excited for this summer, we plan to just jam pack it with tons of fun stuff to do that I am really excited to post as the summer goes on, on top of everything else.
I hope that everybody else has an amazing summer!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grandma's moving in!!!

Well among some of the changes in our house this year Grandma is moving in. Do we know when, some time within the next couple of months. As soon as the divorce is over she will be living with us. To say the least this is going to be interesting. I don' think it is going to be bad, I have learned many things from my mother in law, and I am actually excited for her to come. The plans are to have her stay with us indefinatly, but in all honesty who knows what life will bring. I am excited to have family here in vernal with us. And I am excited that my kids get to be so close to a grandparent. It should be fun to see what else life brings us as this year goes by.

Happy Birthday!! To Myself?

Hey everyone,
Before I forget, I figured I would announce that I turn 24 on Monday. I might be one of the only woman to ever not care how old I am!! What a life I have lived, it is kind of fun looking back at my life so far and seeing where I am now and everything that I have been through!! I have to say looking back when I was in middle school and stuff I think I would never have expected my life to be like this is ten years. The biggest thing is that I swore I was never going to get married. Well obviously that didn't happen thank heavens. My husband is amazing I am am so glad that I didn't turn my back when he came into my life. I am very grateful for my boys. It is funny people say that every woman wants a little girl of her own. You know I have to say I don't know that I agree with that. I love being the only female in the house I will tell you some days the craziness and especially messes get insane, but that is nothing compared to the love that I get daily from all the males in my home. I have to say I don't know that I want to share!!! So as I celebrate this next birthday I just wish for the opportunities to make more of my dreams come true, to enjoy life as much as I can, to never regret only learn, and to keep enjoying my life with my family!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Good and Bad!!

It has been a good and yet very rough past month. However I am one that likes to end on a good note.
So I think we have had the roughest year as far as sickness goes. In the last couple months my family has been sick almost every week. We are on the down side to finishing the current sickness we are having right now, which was pretty bad. I guess it just comes with having a husband that works with the public and zaden going to school.
However the hardest part of the past few months has been that Aaron's parents have decided to get a divorce. This isn't something that needs to be announced to the public, but sometimes in life you just need a little extra help to get through life. I can sit here and complain about how mine and Aaron's families are not the best and most conventional families. However, you don't always get the best things given to you and heavenly father gives everyone their different trials. I am not trying to air our dirty laundry, more I just need a place to vent, and get support to know how to help my family get through this hard time. This divorce came rather unexpectedly, we knew there were quit a few problems at thanksgiving and it has just escalated since then. It has been very hard and the scariest part is that worry that because of this the whole family is going to fall apart. I wish I knew how to help Aaron and his family members get through this, but I don't. I have never been through this before. Unfortunatly it is getting to be a pretty ugly divorce, and it is only the start of it. It is hard to sit back and know that there is not much you can do as you see the adversary happily doing his work. Even with all the heartache that our families cause each other there is still a strong degree of love. I hope that through this all that at least Aaron's siblings can stay close together. It is hard to watch as it seems some people are trying to make other choose sides and pushing people out of their lives. But again my one hope is that the desire that his siblings have to unit together stays strong. I am proud of Aaron and how strong he has been. I really feel that Heavenly Father is given him a little more help to be strong for his siblings. And I pray that good things will come out of this, no matter what they are.
Well enough with this sad stuff. We added 2 new boys to our family a couple of weeks ago. Cooper and Brodie and 2 extremely cute Cocker Spaniel pups, that we are very excited to have at our home. Cooper is a little spitfire, and yet we love how playful and full of energy he is. Then there is sweet little calm Brodie. He is the sweetest most pleasing dog I have ever had. He doesn't whine very much unless he needs to go outside, he just seems to be happy with life. I have never had a cocker spaniel before, but I will tell you I have fallen in love with them. And although you might think we were crazing to get two. Now that we had done it I think it is crazy not to get two. Because they have each other they do not whine nearly as much, they seem to be a comfort to each other. They help to keep each other entertained. And since they have each other to wrestle with it makes the role of training and "top dog" a lot easier. Because although you obviously still play with them you don't have to do as much of the rough housing and so they look more to you for what they are suppose to do than as someone that they don't have to listen to. i hope that makes sense.
Well that is how our life has been this last month or so. If anyone has any suggestions i am more than grateful for them. And i will post pictures as soon as my family is feeling well enough to get to the store.
Happy Valentine's day!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Update ( finally)

It has been crazy over the holidays, as I'm sure it has been for everyone else. We had a really fun Christmas at home, I love having Christmas at our house the boys got spoiled (again), and we all had fun playing and relaxing in pj's all day.
Zaden has been doing amazing with preschool, it is amazing how he has changed from a shy little guy to having an amazing amount of confidence. He run through his shapes and colors like they are nothing. He is struggling with recognizing letters in the alphabet, but hopefully with practice he will get it figured out pretty quick.
Aaron and I are both going to school for spring semester, and both into business. We even get to have our economics class together. I am excited because I think it will be kind of fun to have a class with him.
Other than that nothing new, I am still working on losing weight, now that the darn holidays are over I plan on having way more to report, let's face it the holidays just kill us all, but I do feel like I didn't do too bad this year.
We are just set on cruise in life right now, family, school, and work keep us pretty busy.
I hope you all had good holidays.