Friday, July 10, 2009

Time for a Change

Well it is time for a change. For me at least. Something I have been struggling with since I got married is losing weight. Granted having kids immediatly, and then everything that happened with Braddock. It has been a rough 4 years on my poor body. So I am officially maing a committment to myself and my wonderfully supportive family to lose some serious weight. I have no idea why I am putting it on my blog, other than to hopefully get support from my friends and family. I will not say how much I have to lose because, well that would just be embarrassing. But I do have a goal. We are going with Aaron's family next june to Yellowstone, that is my deadline. I am going to do it the old fashioned way. By simply watching what I eat, and exercise. I use to love to exercise and I have developed a hate for it. But I guess when you are out of shape that can happen. I don't like to exercise by myself, so i will hopefully be joining our rec. center soon so I ca go to classes. I swear this is not another "I'm Fat" so i'm going to lose weight saying, and then not do it. I really am just dedicated to be where I want to be. As I told my husband I don't want my kids to remeber me looking like this. Plus, I want them to know that physical health care is important.
So I think I will do regular updates I think to post how well I am doing, so it is okay if you give feedback. And hopefully soon we all will be able to start seeing a difference. I have no intentions of posting a before picture. Maybe I will of progress. But just don't expect a before until I have a good after one to put by it. It will look much better. So I guess here I go.


  1. Good for you Krystal! I'm right there with you! I have plenty of reasons to be motivated, I'm just mostly lazy. I've bought so many things (wii fit, a double stroller to go walking, a bunch of yoga stuff, a gym membership) to help me loose weight. I use them for like a week and I stop. I really need to get going again. I'm with you about doing it the old fashioned way too. I've been tempted to try weight loss supplements and things, but I want to be able to say I lost the weight all by myself with a lot of self control. That is my biggest down fall--self control. I love food too much. Anyway sorry for the novel and thanks for inspiring me to start working out again! :)

    By the way, it was so good to see you on the 4th! I have missed you! I wish we could have all gone and done something together.

  2. P.s. What happened with Braddock?

  3. I completely know where you're coming from! I have had these same feelings, and I do well for a week and then, bam it lose it! I have this program that I'm going to be getting this week called 20 lbs in 35 days. It's all about the "old fashioned way". I do take some type of supplements, but they are really just nutritional supplements that I use to help me feel better about working out. I'm going to start this new program as soon as I get my hands on it. If you want a copy, I would LOVE to send it to you as soon as I get it! You can do this! Once you get started, it really does feel awesome to work out, even if it does suck for a minute! Good luck, and if you need any motivation, feel free to give me a call!

  4. I am so glad for you! You are one awesome chick and I know you can do it!!!
